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 The Blessings of Liberty and Freedom

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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
Humor : Über Serious

The Blessings of Liberty and Freedom Vide
PostSubject: The Blessings of Liberty and Freedom   The Blessings of Liberty and Freedom Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2020 8:27 pm

During the long moments of any “campaign” season – you know, that time when all else revolves around the invective and venom candidates for whatever office hurl at each other in the hopes of convincing us that their message is the one we should accept – candidates uniformly conclude that, by extension, we will accept and approve of them for that special office to which they aspire.

They saturate us with their definitions and examples of, let us say, “freedom” or “liberty”. The irony is that each has her/his own very well-defined concept of those two fundamentals of our American cultural heritage. They, furthermore, present them in such diametrically opposed applications that it borders on the comical.

A case in point is the recent impeachment of President Trump attempts by the Democrats. Both sides presented their positions in this context: “We are dong this to save our liberty…or save our freedom,” and they blathered on with such nonsensical palaver – love that word…my Scottish Great-Grandmother used it all the time – that it made my head spin!

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The Blessings of Liberty and Freedom

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