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 Is reading an effective therapy strategy? Many experts think so

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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Is reading an effective therapy strategy? Many experts think so Vide
PostSubject: Is reading an effective therapy strategy? Many experts think so   Is reading an effective therapy strategy? Many experts think so Icon_minitimeFri Dec 13, 2019 6:21 pm

When Sonya Tsakalakis first heard about bibliotherapy, she was intrigued. Bibliotherapy, she discovered, is the practice of reading books for therapy. Or, as she likes to describe it, “It’s the use of creative literature for healing, nourishing and motivating us in life.”

Is reading an effective therapy strategy? Many experts think so Af0f839c3e8ba1c25a0e6e9da1b178d0ef990085

Tsakalakis stumbled across the term in an article she was reading. At the time, she was working in aged care. But the more she thought about it, the more she felt vocationally drawn to this field. So, in 2013, she took the plunge and founded a bibliotherapy practice, The Literary Hand.
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Is reading an effective therapy strategy? Many experts think so

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