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 Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Selling libertarianism to 23 million people

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Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Selling libertarianism to 23 million people Vide
PostSubject: Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Selling libertarianism to 23 million people   Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Selling libertarianism to 23 million people Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2019 6:33 pm

The Advocates for Self-Government has been around since 1984. As our Board Chair explains below, we’re launching ambitious, modern programs, and we want to tell you about them and how you can help make them happen. – Mike Sertic, President

Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Selling libertarianism to 23 million people D7b195b_quiz-classic-new-1_900x

Dear Advocates Supporter,

The new team at Advocates for Self-Government has been hard at work. Behind the scenes, we’ve been charting a thrilling new course to expand the libertarian movement.

In fact, there’s simply too much to tell in this one letter!

Perhaps you’ve been following us all the way back to the days when Marshall Fritz invented the World’s Smallest Political Quiz.

In 1995, we placed The Quiz on the World Wide Web. The number of quiz takers skyrocketed in the years that followed.

As any good salesman can see, these tools gave libertarians…

Breakthrough Lead Generation

The World’s Smallest Political Quiz was a breakthrough product. It was small enough to fit in your pocket and easy to score and plot the result.

I still carry Quizzes in my pocket and hand them out.

I’m Chris Rufer, a donor and the Board Chair of Advocates for Self-Government.

The Advocates has always been about libertarian outreach. That tradition will continue. However, as I’ll explain in this message, we’ll use fresh technologies and explore new methods of presentation.

I care so much about this organization’s mission that we moved it to Sacramento, California where I could watch over its modernization. My motivation was simply this…
23 million people have taken The Quiz. In many of those years, 25% or more scored libertarian. And I wondered…

Where are all those libertarians?

Maybe you wondered that too? If you’re like me, you were curious about something else…

Via Anarcho-Capitalists' Forum: Selling libertarianism to 23 million people B6f4364c-67bd-4aae-9f01-c5fd8178cf0b
What were we doing to persuasively introduce libertarianism to the people who didn’t score libertarian on the Nolan Chart?
23 million people were giving us a chance to talk to them! And we weren’t doing anything systematic and consistent to:

  • communicate further with them AND
  • measure the results of various libertarian messages.

That’s why I supplied funding to build a plan to communicate with the Quiz takers using modern methods.

The Quiz is most commonly taken online. Even now, about 40,000 people take it every month at The Advocates website alone! So it made sense to me that we could design a persuasive program that was interactive, tailored to the Quiz takers and their Nolan Chart position. That is…

Each Quiz taker would be invited into an “engagement” — libertarian messages, based on their Quiz score, that are designed to move people to our ideas. Each engagement includes a call-to-action.

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