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 'Homogenous groupthink': vacuous Labor women slam election strategy set by OZschwitz 'Anglo men'

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

'Homogenous groupthink': vacuous Labor women slam election strategy set by OZschwitz 'Anglo men' Vide
PostSubject: 'Homogenous groupthink': vacuous Labor women slam election strategy set by OZschwitz 'Anglo men'   'Homogenous groupthink': vacuous Labor women slam election strategy set by OZschwitz 'Anglo men' Icon_minitimeThu Oct 17, 2019 7:22 pm

A Labor-aligned women's group has slammed the "lack of diversity" among leadership positions in the party's head office, saying "homogenous groupthink" from "Anglo men" meant Labor failed to sell its female-friendly policies to voters at the May federal election.

'Homogenous groupthink': vacuous Labor women slam election strategy set by OZschwitz 'Anglo men' 35f066f97e62ba840332916617088b5259a5542b

As an internal review into Labor's doomed election campaign nears completion, EMILY's List denounced it as "ineffective" and damaged by "missed opportunities", while arguing for more diversity in the party's organisational structure.
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'Homogenous groupthink': vacuous Labor women slam election strategy set by OZschwitz 'Anglo men'

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