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 Oppressive China is wrecking Hong Kong’s ideals. And it only has itself to blame.

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Oppressive China is wrecking Hong Kong’s ideals. And it only has itself to blame. Vide
PostSubject: Oppressive China is wrecking Hong Kong’s ideals. And it only has itself to blame.   Oppressive China is wrecking Hong Kong’s ideals. And it only has itself to blame. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 05, 2019 5:54 pm

AT THE core of Hong Kong’s discontent is a treasured conviction that it has been and will be governed by the rule of law — before the handover to China, and after. Rule of law has been the foundation of Hong Kong’s strength as a financial bastion for Asia and marks a clear distinction with mainland China, where a party-state rules above the law. On Friday, China threw a match onto Hong Kong’s rule of law, in a fateful and regrettable escalation that shows Beijing has only itself to blame for the deepening crisis.
Hong Kongers did not contest China’s takeover in 1997; they simply insisted, patiently, on following the letter of China’s promises to preserve their free market and political liberties, including freedom of speech and assembly. When they felt constrained, they protested — but with a certain dignity and reserve. That changed when China tried to ram through a new extradition law this year. Hong Kongers recoiled, fearing they could be dragged into China’s arbitrary and brutal system of political repression. Reverence for the rule of law, too, is why they were so outraged by the excessive use of force by the Hong Kong police, once a paragon of their society.

Oppressive China is wrecking Hong Kong’s ideals. And it only has itself to blame. QGG5QOHG4UI6TNAD644ITGMC2I
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Oppressive China is wrecking Hong Kong’s ideals. And it only has itself to blame.

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