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 Despicable Chicago school accused of kicking 9-year-old out into the cold and reporting him missing

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Despicable Chicago school accused of kicking 9-year-old out into the cold and reporting him missing Vide
PostSubject: Despicable Chicago school accused of kicking 9-year-old out into the cold and reporting him missing   Despicable Chicago school accused of kicking 9-year-old out into the cold and reporting him missing Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2019 9:23 pm

A family is suing the Chicago Public Schools, accusing officials at Fiske Elementary School of kicking a nine-year-old boy out into the cold in Englewood in March without a coat, after he'd repeatedly complained of being bullied. CBS Chicago reports that Yvonne Pinkston said her son was in 4th grade at the school last year, after moving to Chicago from Indiana, and was bullied from the start, first by students and then by staff after he complained.

Her attorney, Dan Herbert, released surveillance video from the school, which shows a security officer dragging the boy into the principal's office, and then forcing him out of the building as the school counselor and principal appear to supervise.

Herbert said it all happened after the boy complained about being bullied.

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Despicable Chicago school accused of kicking 9-year-old out into the cold and reporting him missing

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