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 Nuclear war between India and Pakistan could kill up to 125 million and launch a global climate catastrophe

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Nuclear war between India and Pakistan could kill up to 125 million and launch a global climate catastrophe Vide
PostSubject: Nuclear war between India and Pakistan could kill up to 125 million and launch a global climate catastrophe   Nuclear war between India and Pakistan could kill up to 125 million and launch a global climate catastrophe Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2019 9:43 pm

Each weapon detonated could kill as many as 700,000 people, the study said.
   The global cooling could drop temperatures to levels not seen since the last Ice Age.
   “This is a war that would have no precedent in human experience.”

Nuclear war between India and Pakistan could kill up to 125 million and launch a global climate catastrophe 3c4963f0-4e5e-416a-b693-1eda98f5beb2-EPA_PAKISTAN_INDIA_KASHMIR_CONFLICT

As many as 125 million people would die within days if India and Pakistan waged a nuclear war, according to a scientific study released Wednesday.

That's more than the death toll during all six years of World War II.

“Such a war would threaten not only the locations where bombs might be targeted but the entire world,” said study co-author Alan Robock, a professor of environmental sciences at Rutgers University.

In the weeks and months after the explosions, a global climate catastrophe could follow, triggering mass starvation as crops failed across the planet.

“This is a war that would have no precedent in human experience,” said study lead author Brian Toon, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Colorado–Boulder. Toon has worked on nuclear war scenarios for decades, and was part of the team that coined the term "nuclear winter" in the 1980s.
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Nuclear war between India and Pakistan could kill up to 125 million and launch a global climate catastrophe

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