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 Excellent: Conservative Women’s Law Center Seeks to Counter Liberal Groups

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Excellent: Conservative Women’s Law Center Seeks to Counter Liberal Groups Vide
PostSubject: Excellent: Conservative Women’s Law Center Seeks to Counter Liberal Groups   Excellent: Conservative Women’s Law Center Seeks to Counter Liberal Groups Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2019 9:38 pm

Women judges important, but philosophy comes first
Aiming to develop talent, the group already has met with women at Harvard Law

Excellent: Conservative Women’s Law Center Seeks to Counter Liberal Groups ?

A conservative women’s group that has supported President Donald Trump’s judicial appointees has launched a law center to help counter a growing number of liberal organizations in the legal community.
The Independent Women’s Law Center aims to develop female talent in the legal profession, “influence the debate about women and the law,” educate the public about “a truly independent judiciary,” and support nominees who “understand that the role of the court is to interpret the law, not make law.”
Unlike other conservative groups, it doesn’t take a stance on abortion, which center supporters say will allow it to appeal to a larger cross-section of women. But it does seek to push back on efforts to “convince the public that constitutionalist, originalist judges are a threat to women’s rights.”
“I think there’s once again a movement by progressive, feminist legal centers to attack and smear conservative judicial nominees and to tear down institutions that have been a part of our constitutional structure from the beginning,” said Jennifer Braceras, director of the new center. “We feel that the time is right to push back on their efforts.”

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Excellent: Conservative Women’s Law Center Seeks to Counter Liberal Groups

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