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 NZ: National Party has today listed 13 changes they want to see made to the bill

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NZ: National Party has today listed 13 changes they want to see made to the bill Vide
PostSubject: NZ: National Party has today listed 13 changes they want to see made to the bill   NZ: National Party has today listed 13 changes they want to see made to the bill Icon_minitimeSun Sep 29, 2019 10:51 pm

National’s 'shameless pandering' to the gun nut lobby

NZ: National Party has today listed 13 changes they want to see made to the bill 11028430-0-image-a-21_1552647332072

National lists demands for firearm law reform
The first reading of the Arms Legislation Bill is due to be held tomorrow, but the National Party has today listed 13 changes they want to see made to the bill.
They include clubs and shooting ranges only having to notify police, rather than seeking their approval and certification.
It also wants to keep the license duration at 10 years and new exemptions for sports shooting and pest control.
National’s police spokesperson Brett Hudson said the reforms shouldn’t unduly impact law-abiding citizens.

National won’t support the second tranche of gun reform laws because they are soft on “crims, gangs and extremists”.
Here are the reforms…

  • Establishing a firearms register
  • Make owning a gun a “privilege” that comes with obligations
  • Tighten the rules to obtain and keep a gun licence
  • Tighten the rules for gun dealers to get and keep a licence
  • Require licences to be renewed every five years
  • Not allow visitors to purchase guns in New Zealand
  • Introduce a new warning system for police so they can intervene if they have concerns about a licence holder’s behaviour
  • Introduce a licencing system for shooting clubs and ranges
  • Set up an expert group to advise the police on firearms
  • Introduce new advertising standards around guns
  • Require licences to buy magazines, parts and ammunition
  • Increase penalties and introduce new offences

I’m not sure how any of that is soft on crims, gangs and extremists. As far as I can understand the argument, these regulations are all focused on ‘law abiding’ gun owners and because National believe ‘law abiding’ gun owners aren’t the problem there’s no reason to regulate guns.
Which seems terribly awkward, twisted and confused.
Look, no one wants to punish ‘law abiding’ gun owners, but surely in the wake of the worst white supremacist terror attack on NZ soil using glam semi-automatics, banning those weapons and tightening the rules around gun ownership is a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
National’s own suggestion to give Police more powers to search Gang Member cars and houses for guns seems bizarre seeing as the white supremacist terrorist who butchered and murdered 101 people wasn’t a member of Black Power or the Mongrel Mob.
Surely white supremacist terrorism is the problem here, not gang members.
What makes all of this so shameless is the fact that National played up the very alt-right UN conspiracy that the white supremacist terrorist scrawled all over his guns and magazines.
If I had promoted a false far right conspiracy that then inspired a terror attack, I sure as Christ wouldn’t dare grandstand on the gun laws after that atrocity.
The reality is that we do not want the NZ gun lobby to get any of the power the American gun lobby does, watching National attempt that when they had a hand in promoting the corrupt thinking that inspired this white supremacist is politics at its most ugly.

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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NZ: National Party has today listed 13 changes they want to see made to the bill Vide
PostSubject: Re: NZ: National Party has today listed 13 changes they want to see made to the bill   NZ: National Party has today listed 13 changes they want to see made to the bill Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2019 5:10 pm

CovOps wrote:
...watching National attempt that when they had a hand in promoting the corrupt thinking that inspired this white supremacist is politics at its most ugly.

They did?
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NZ: National Party has today listed 13 changes they want to see made to the bill

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