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 Corrupt LAPD recruitment ad on Breitbart prompts leftist-investigation

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Corrupt LAPD recruitment ad on Breitbart prompts leftist-investigation Vide
PostSubject: Corrupt LAPD recruitment ad on Breitbart prompts leftist-investigation   Corrupt LAPD recruitment ad on Breitbart prompts leftist-investigation Icon_minitimeSun Sep 29, 2019 8:08 pm

The Los Angeles Police Department on Saturday said it was investigating how a recruitment ad wound up on the controversial website Breitbart.

The ad, which reportedly appeared Friday night, showed a uniformed officer with the word: "Choose your future! LAPD is hiring!"

Corrupt LAPD recruitment ad on Breitbart prompts leftist-investigation AP19272627773637

Breitbart has garnered criticism over the years for its incendiary content, with headlines such as "The Smartest People in the World Are All Men" and "Milo: The solution to online 'harassment' is simple; Women should log off."

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Corrupt LAPD recruitment ad on Breitbart prompts leftist-investigation

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