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 Barbaric Chinese diplomats violently clash with pro-Hong Kong protesters in Europe

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Barbaric Chinese diplomats violently clash with pro-Hong Kong protesters in Europe Vide
PostSubject: Barbaric Chinese diplomats violently clash with pro-Hong Kong protesters in Europe   Barbaric Chinese diplomats violently clash with pro-Hong Kong protesters in Europe Icon_minitimeWed Sep 04, 2019 2:15 am

Chinese diplomats disrupted a pro-Hong Kong protest in Lithuania on the anniversary of a major anti-Soviet demonstration, according to the Baltic nation’s top diplomat, resulting in the arrest of two Chinese citizens.
“The behavior of some diplomats crossed that line diplomats should have,” Lithuanian foreign minister Linas Linkevičius told reporters in Vilnius. “Lithuania is a free country and one can express thoughts and opinions here but that should be done in accordance with the public order. It applies, first of all, to citizens, but the diplomatic corps must be neutral.”
The foreign minister aired that public rebuke after summoning the Chinese ambassador to lodge a formal protest on Monday, warning the embassy not to “violate the democratic freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of Lithuania and disturb public order.” Chinese diplomats were filmed clashing with demonstrators on Aug. 23, when supporters of the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong made a human chain in homage to the Baltic Way 30 years earlier. In 1989, about 2 million people formed a human chain that spanned over 400 miles across Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia to protest their treatment in the Soviet Union.

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Barbaric Chinese diplomats violently clash with pro-Hong Kong protesters in Europe

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