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 John Cleese criticised by leftist-wankers for saying London no longer an English city

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John Cleese criticised by leftist-wankers for saying London no longer an English city Vide
PostSubject: John Cleese criticised by leftist-wankers for saying London no longer an English city   John Cleese criticised by leftist-wankers for saying London no longer an English city Icon_minitimeSat Jun 01, 2019 8:45 pm

Sadiq Khan and comedian Dom Joly among those condemning ‘racist’ and ‘hypocritical’ claims

John Cleese criticised by leftist-wankers for saying London no longer an English city 3500

The Fawlty Towers actor John Cleese has been criticised for repeating his 2011 claim that London was no longer an English city.
Cleese, 79, tweeted that his friends abroad agreed with his observation, concluding: “So there must be some truth in it.” The comedian described London as “the UK city that voted most strongly to remain in the EU”. Almost 60% of residents voted to stay in the bloc in 2016.
The actor later issued a qualified apology following widespread condemnation. In a string of tweets countering accusations that his initial tweet was linked to race, he said: “I suspect I should apologise for my affection for the Englishness of my upbringing, but in some ways I found it calmer, more polite, more humorous, less tabloid, and less money-oriented than the one that is replacing it.”

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John Cleese criticised by leftist-wankers for saying London no longer an English city

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