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 LOL, Geraldo Rivera: You Have To Come Through Me To Impeach Trump

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LOL, Geraldo Rivera: You Have To Come Through Me To Impeach Trump Vide
PostSubject: LOL, Geraldo Rivera: You Have To Come Through Me To Impeach Trump   LOL, Geraldo Rivera: You Have To Come Through Me To Impeach Trump Icon_minitimeFri May 31, 2019 1:59 am

Fox News reporter Geraldo Rivera vowed that if anyone wants to impeach President Trump, “you’ll have to come through me.”
Rivera went on a Twitter rant Wednesday following Robert Mueller’s press conference, in which the special counsel said: “If we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

LOL, Geraldo Rivera: You Have To Come Through Me To Impeach Trump ?

Rivera, who is Jewish, bashed Mueller in a series of tweets for starting a conversation about impeaching the president. “Thanks for nothing Bob. You are not saying there is ‘probable cause’ a crime was committed, you’re saying there is ‘possible’ cause,” he wrote.
He added: “I’m betting #Impeachment goes nowhere. @realDonaldTrump would run the table.”
Hours later, Rivera reflected that Trump was “besieged by haters who weaponized” the Department of Justice. Then came a bizarre threat veiled as a declaration:
“Fair Warning, as I did with Bill Clinton in 1997-8, I tonight announce that if you want to impeach this president on these facts you’ll have to come through me,” he tweeted.
Quote :
Fair Warning, as I did with Bill Clinton in 1997-8, I tonight announce that if you want to impeach this president on these facts you’ll have to come through me.— Geraldo Rivera (@GeraldoRivera) May 30, 2019
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LOL, Geraldo Rivera: You Have To Come Through Me To Impeach Trump

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