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 Alt-right propaganda machine hits millions in Europe and USA, much to the horror of snowflake-leftists everywhere

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Alt-right propaganda machine hits millions in Europe and USA, much to the horror of snowflake-leftists everywhere Vide
PostSubject: Alt-right propaganda machine hits millions in Europe and USA, much to the horror of snowflake-leftists everywhere   Alt-right propaganda machine hits millions in Europe and USA, much to the horror of snowflake-leftists everywhere Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2019 11:51 pm

Millions of Europeans and Americans have been exposed to far-right propaganda and fake news on Facebook, two separate investigations revealed this month.

Alt-right propaganda machine hits millions in Europe and USA, much to the horror of snowflake-leftists everywhere B01d0cbfd37d0b180d2ade3ec9526500ab195ee5

Facebook removed 77 pages and 230 accounts with 32 million followers in France, Germany, the UK, Italy, Spain and Poland after activist group Avaaz reported their activities.

The pages were mainly connected to far-right groups and political parties and were viewed more than half a billion times, generating 67 million comments, likes, and shares in the past three months alone.
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Alt-right propaganda machine hits millions in Europe and USA, much to the horror of snowflake-leftists everywhere

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