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 The 'big fight starts now', Assange's team says after shock sentence

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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The 'big fight starts now', Assange's team says after shock sentence Vide
PostSubject: The 'big fight starts now', Assange's team says after shock sentence   The 'big fight starts now', Assange's team says after shock sentence Icon_minitimeThu May 02, 2019 12:08 am

Julian Assange’s legal team has already moved on from what WikiLeaks called an “outrageous and vindictive” sentence for skipping bail, saying the “big fight” is against his extradition to the US.

The 'big fight starts now', Assange's team says after shock sentence 4b08af9aed0515b03a0cace04293389686b4901a

That process is due to begin in a London court on Thursday, UK time, though the initial hearing is likely to be just procedural as the US has, it is understood, not yet sent a full, detailed extradition request for consideration by the British government and courts.

It has about another month to do so.
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The 'big fight starts now', Assange's team says after shock sentence

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