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 Lieberman in damage-control: Democratic Party is not anti-Jewish, but some members say anti-Semitic things

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Lieberman in damage-control: Democratic Party is not anti-Jewish, but some members say anti-Semitic things Vide
PostSubject: Lieberman in damage-control: Democratic Party is not anti-Jewish, but some members say anti-Semitic things   Lieberman in damage-control: Democratic Party is not anti-Jewish, but some members say anti-Semitic things Icon_minitimeMon Mar 18, 2019 3:27 am

Former Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), who was once a Democrat, said in an interview broadcast Sunday that the Democratic Party "is not an anti-Jewish party" but that it has members who say anti-Semitic things.
"The Democratic Party is not an anti-Jewish party, but there are some people in the party now, including in Congress as we've seen from Congresswoman Omar...who are saying explicitly anti-Semitic things," Lieberman, who is Jewish, said in an interview with radio host John Catsimatidis on AM 970 in New York. 
Lieberman was referring to remarks from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) in recent weeks that were widely panned by lawmakers from both parties as involving anti-Semitic tropes.
Meanwhile, Democrats have pushed back in recent days on President Trump after he accused the Democratic Party earlier this month of being "anti-Jewish."

 Lieberman in damage-control: Democratic Party is not anti-Jewish, but some members say anti-Semitic things Liebermanjoe_120316getty

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Lieberman in damage-control: Democratic Party is not anti-Jewish, but some members say anti-Semitic things

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