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 The simple change we can make to reduce the risk of depression

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

The simple change we can make to reduce the risk of depression Vide
PostSubject: The simple change we can make to reduce the risk of depression   The simple change we can make to reduce the risk of depression Icon_minitimeTue Feb 05, 2019 6:33 pm

There is growing evidence that the way we fuel our bodies affects not just our physical health but our psychological health too.

The simple change we can make to reduce the risk of depression Ef6a1e640aea9537a60893451ab7e4d474674386

But, while plenty of diets purport to improve mood, a new Australian study has come back with a simple message: if you want to feel better, eat less junk.

The large study, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine on Wednesday, found a healthier diet can significantly improve symptoms of depression.

Researchers at Western Sydney University analysed dietary interventions in nearly 46,000 people participating in 16 different trials across the world. They found no one health diet worked better than another, rather, simply replacing junk food with whole foods alleviated low mood.
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The simple change we can make to reduce the risk of depression

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