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 Outrageous: Mom sent to jail after her 6-year-old missed 26 days of school

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Outrageous: Mom sent to jail after her 6-year-old missed 26 days of school Vide
PostSubject: Outrageous: Mom sent to jail after her 6-year-old missed 26 days of school   Outrageous: Mom sent to jail after her 6-year-old missed 26 days of school Icon_minitimeFri Nov 30, 2018 9:08 pm

A mother in Michigan was ordered to serve jail time after her 6-year-old missed 26 days of school without an excuse, according to local media reports.
Brittany Horton, 27, pleaded guilty to truancy in May after her child recorded 26 unexcused absences, reports WXMI-TV in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Horton's sentencing had been delayed to give her one more chance to ensure her child was attending school, said the report.
"When parents like Ms. Horton refuse to make reasonable efforts to address the truancy problem, our office is committed to making sure the children of our community are not deprived of an education," said Muskegon County Prosecutor D.J. Hilson in a statement to ABC News.
Horton was sentenced Nov. 16 to five days in jail and nine months of probation. She also must pay more than $500 in fines, reports MLive.
The county prosecutor's office boasts a program called Operation Graduation to combat school truancy, reports MLive. The program includes interventions for parents and students to improve attendance.

Outrageous: Mom sent to jail after her 6-year-old missed 26 days of school 0b1f76f0-a203-4043-ac16-25b90ca1d7a8-GettyImages-903609746

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Outrageous: Mom sent to jail after her 6-year-old missed 26 days of school

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