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 Idiot in Government: PC Florida Sen. Rubio fires chief of staff for 'improper conduct' involving a subordinate

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Idiot in Government: PC Florida Sen. Rubio fires chief of staff for 'improper conduct' involving a subordinate Vide
PostSubject: Idiot in Government: PC Florida Sen. Rubio fires chief of staff for 'improper conduct' involving a subordinate   Idiot in Government: PC Florida Sen. Rubio fires chief of staff for 'improper conduct' involving a subordinate Icon_minitimeSun Jan 28, 2018 10:39 pm

WASHINGTON – Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., fired Chief of Staff Clint Reed Saturday following allegations of “improper conduct,” with employees in the senator’s office.
In a statement his office released late Saturday, Rubio said the staffer “had violated office policies regarding proper relations between a supervisor and their subordinates. I further concluded that this led to actions which in my judgement amounted to threats to withhold employment benefits.”
The statement does not mention Reed by name. But a spokeswoman for Rubio confirmed it was Reed who was fired. She would not elaborate further about the allegations beyond the statement.

Idiot in Government: PC Florida Sen. Rubio fires chief of staff for 'improper conduct' involving a subordinate 636527153854214613-AP-RUBIO-CHIEF-OF-STAFF-96969719

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Idiot in Government: PC Florida Sen. Rubio fires chief of staff for 'improper conduct' involving a subordinate

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