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 Idiot claims: We are trading away our lives for the shallow rewards of capitalism - and it's harming our children

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Idiot claims: We are trading away our lives for the shallow rewards of capitalism - and it's harming our children  Vide
PostSubject: Idiot claims: We are trading away our lives for the shallow rewards of capitalism - and it's harming our children    Idiot claims: We are trading away our lives for the shallow rewards of capitalism - and it's harming our children  Icon_minitimeFri Jan 26, 2018 3:27 pm

The man's voice rang out, loud and angry, breaking the quiet of the suburban street.

Idiot claims: We are trading away our lives for the shallow rewards of capitalism - and it's harming our children  1516934244166

"Get in the car you little shit!" I went to the window to see a three-year-old child still not complying, a young baby already strapped in and an older child watching, open-mouthed.

You could feel a whole rush of emotions, sympathy for the father's plight – for who has not wrangled with kids and cars in their time – and dismay at such aggression and loss of control. But also a sadness, that if this was a pattern, and not just an especially bad moment, then this child's life was not going to go well.
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Idiot claims: We are trading away our lives for the shallow rewards of capitalism - and it's harming our children

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