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 Yes! Peace prize winner Tutu urges removal of Mugabe by force

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Yes! Peace prize winner Tutu urges removal of Mugabe by force Vide
PostSubject: Yes! Peace prize winner Tutu urges removal of Mugabe by force   Yes! Peace prize winner Tutu urges removal of Mugabe by force Icon_minitimeWed Dec 24, 2008 5:23 pm

HARARE, Zimbabwe – With the death toll from Zimbabwe's cholera epidemic over 1,100 and the country in shambles, Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu said Wednesday it was time to threaten its longtime president with removal by force.

The comments came as the government of President Robert Mugabe brought a missing Zimbabwean human rights activist to court Wednesday, accusing her and at least six others of plotting to overthrow the 84-year-old leader. The activist, Jestina Mukoko, disappeared on Dec. 3 following nationwide protests against the country's deepening economic and health crises.

Charging Mukoko, the respected head of a group known as the Zimbabwe Peace Project, in a plot already widely dismissed as a fabrication is seen as a sign Mugabe is not prepared to back down.

In an interview with the British Broadcasting Corp. aired Wednesday, Tutu called on Mugabe to relinquish power and said he was ashamed of his own country, South Africa, for its handling of the issue.

"We have betrayed our legacy, how much more suffering is going to make us say, 'No, we have given Mr. Mugabe enough time,'" said Tutu, retired archbishop of Cape Town who won the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize.
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Yes! Peace prize winner Tutu urges removal of Mugabe by force

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