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 YaY! OZschwitz:Victorian state MP Theo Theophanous charged with rape

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RR Phantom

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YaY! OZschwitz:Victorian state MP Theo Theophanous charged with rape Vide
PostSubject: YaY! OZschwitz:Victorian state MP Theo Theophanous charged with rape   YaY! OZschwitz:Victorian state MP Theo Theophanous charged with rape Icon_minitimeWed Dec 24, 2008 4:38 am

Victorian state MP Theo Theophanous has been charged with rape.

A police spokeswoman said a 60-year-old male had been charged on summons this morning with one count of rape.

He is due to appear at Melbourne Magistrates Court on January 23.

Theophanous is accused of raping a woman at state Parliament House a decade ago but vehemently denies the allegations.

Theophanous, 60, who is married and has four children, stood down as minister for Industry, Trade and Major Projects two months ago after discovering he was the subject of a formal police investigation.

He was interviewed at St Kilda Road police complex on October 21.

A sexual crime squad detective interviewed the alleged victim in May in Greece, where she now lives.

In an interview with The Age, published in October, the woman, now in her early 40s, accused Theophanous of raping her in Parliament House in September 1998 after they had a drink at a city cafe.

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