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 LOL: West Virginia mayor sues city council for removing him

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LOL: West Virginia mayor sues city council for removing him Vide
PostSubject: LOL: West Virginia mayor sues city council for removing him   LOL: West Virginia mayor sues city council for removing him Icon_minitimeThu Oct 26, 2017 3:55 am

RICHWOOD, W.Va. (AP) - The mayor of a West Virginia town has sued the city council for putting him on paid administrative leave and preventing him from doing his job while he is being investigated by state auditors.
The Charleston Gazette-Mail reports Richwood Mayor Bob Henry Baber filed the lawsuit on Monday. The city council had previously asked Baber to resign because of some undocumented purchases found on his government credit card. Baber refused, and the council voted to remove him.
Baber’s lawsuit says the council did not have the authority to remove him as mayor. It also says the council broke the law when they asked him to resign during a meeting that was closed to the public.
Councilman Charles Toussieng told the newspaper the council did not do anything wrong.
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LOL: West Virginia mayor sues city council for removing him

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