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 The Final Theory

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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
Humor : Über Serious

The Final Theory Vide
PostSubject: The Final Theory   The Final Theory Icon_minitimeWed Jan 30, 2008 12:57 am

The Rules Have Changed

Enjoy the thrill of your own major discoveries:

See why Einstein's speed-of-light limit does not
exist, being only flawed thought experiments and
faulty math. Faster-than-light travel is available
even with today's technology.

Discover a simple new explanation for gravity that
shows it is neither Newton's "attracting force" nor
Einstein's "warped space-time", and the moon's
far-side surface gravity holds major surprises for us.

See why SETI's search for intelligent signals is
overlooking a far more advanced and likely
communication method – one that scientists are
only now beginning to puzzle over in science labs.

Gain a new and simpler understanding of atoms,
subatomic particles, light and all other types of
radiation, leading to a far better understanding of
matter and energy in all its forms and uses.

All this and more is possible from a new scientific
perspective that shows the errors in today's
science and presents a powerful new rethink.

More here
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The Final Theory

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