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 Levin on ‘The Washington Compost’: 'What Are They If They’re Not Fake News?'

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Levin on ‘The Washington Compost’: 'What Are They If They’re Not Fake News?' Vide
PostSubject: Levin on ‘The Washington Compost’: 'What Are They If They’re Not Fake News?'   Levin on ‘The Washington Compost’: 'What Are They If They’re Not Fake News?' Icon_minitimeWed Aug 02, 2017 10:53 pm

On his nationally syndicated radio talk show Tuesday, host Mark Levin slammed The Washington Post for an article it posted on global warming, asking his audience, “Well, what are they if they’re not fake news?”
“Just to show you what a joke ‘The Washington Compost’ is and how news is not news anymore – they don’t want to be called fake news,” said Mark Levin about The Washington Post. “Well, what are they if they’re not fake news?”
Levin’s comments stem from a piece warning about the dangers of global warming by Chris Mooney in The Washington Post.

Levin on ‘The Washington Compost’: 'What Are They If They’re Not Fake News?' Mark_levin_-_for_facebook_flickr_photo-labeled_for_reuse_9

Below is a transcript of Levin’s remarks from his show Tuesday:
Quote :
“Just to show you what a joke ‘The Washington Compost’ is and how news is not news anymore – they don’t want to be called fake news. Well, what are they if they’re not fake news?
“Chris Mooney: ‘In recent years, it has become increasingly common to frame the climate change problem as a kind of countdown — each year we emit more carbon dioxide, narrowing the window for fixing the problem, but not quite closing it yet. After all, something could still change. Emissions could still start to plunge precipitously. Maybe next year.’
“Now, let’s stop right there.
“Carbon dioxide is the kind of emission we have to have in order to survive as a people, as mammals. Carbon dioxide is used by plants through photosynthesis to create oxygen. We’re not talking about carbon monoxide. So when they talk about emissions, you have to understand.
“15 years ago or so, it was understood that carbon dioxide was not a pollutant. That’s a scientific fact. Listen, carbon dioxide, with a ‘D,’ is not a pollutant. Carbon monoxide is a pollutant. It will kill you – it’s a poison – if inhaled in a large enough amounts. But carbon dioxide is not a poison. Carbon dioxide—

Quote :
“You know, it’s so basic and so d--- frustrating. ‘We want the Amazon to survive. We want the forest to survive.’
“Well, we need carbon dioxide for them to survive – what you exhale. You exhale carbon dioxide. Plants inhale, if you will, carbon dioxide. We inhale oxygen. They create oxygen. It’s a beautiful thing. It’s nature in harmony.
“And so, even the beginning sentence of this piece by ‘The Washington Compost’ is off.
“‘Emissions could still start to plunge precipitously.’ If carbon dioxide emissions plunge precipitously there are less plants, there’s less vegetation on the face of the earth, less trees, less bushes, less corn less wheat, less all of it, and of course, less oxygen.
“It goes on: ‘This outlook has allowed, at least for some, for the preservation of a form of climate optimism in which big changes, someday soon, will still make the difference. Christiana Figureres, the former head of the [U.N.] Framework Convention on Climate Change … .’
“Now, first of all, the U.N. is disreputable, and their whole climate change operation has been disreputable for a couple of decades now.
“‘… [she] recently joined with a group of climate scientists and policy wonks to state there are three years left to get emissions moving sharply downward.’
“Three years left, that’s it – three years. You believe that? There’s three years left to get the numbers down.
“‘If, that is, we’re holding out hope of limiting the warming of the globe to below 2 degrees Celsius … above pre-industrial temperatures, often cited as the threshold where “dangerous” warming begins (although in truth, that’s a matter of interpretation).’
“This is just such BS.
“It’s such a fraud being perpetrated against the American people, that these people can model these things out when they cannot tell you what next week’s temperature is going to be. They can’t tell you the humidity, the barometric temperature, the wind speed. They can’t tell you anything about the weather next Tuesday. They can have a guess, and they’re probably going to be wrong.”
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Levin on ‘The Washington Compost’: 'What Are They If They’re Not Fake News?'

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