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 Sick savages: ‘Honour killing victim’ was kidnapped and had throat cut and stuffed into freezer

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Sick savages: ‘Honour killing victim’ was kidnapped and had throat cut and stuffed into freezer  Vide
PostSubject: Sick savages: ‘Honour killing victim’ was kidnapped and had throat cut and stuffed into freezer    Sick savages: ‘Honour killing victim’ was kidnapped and had throat cut and stuffed into freezer  Icon_minitimeTue Aug 01, 2017 10:43 pm

A teenager was kidnapped and had her throat cut before she was stuffed into a freezer, an inquest heard.

Sick savages: ‘Honour killing victim’ was kidnapped and had throat cut and stuffed into freezer  42DF93E700000578-4750098-image-a-11_1501599274292

The body of 19-year-old Muslim Celine Dookhran was found inside a £1.5million home after a second woman whose throat was also cut alerted police from hospital, it is said.

At West London Coroner's Court today, coroner's officer Henry Davies said Ms Dookhran was bound, gagged and kidnapped before being assaulted in a Kingston-upon-Thames mansion.
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Sick savages: ‘Honour killing victim’ was kidnapped and had throat cut and stuffed into freezer

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