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 Ann Coulter funny: Paris accord has lefties everywhere shitting bricks. Now if they could just shit some rebar, we could build the wall!

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Ann Coulter funny: Paris accord has lefties everywhere shitting bricks. Now if they could just shit some rebar, we could build the wall! Vide
PostSubject: Ann Coulter funny: Paris accord has lefties everywhere shitting bricks. Now if they could just shit some rebar, we could build the wall!   Ann Coulter funny: Paris accord has lefties everywhere shitting bricks. Now if they could just shit some rebar, we could build the wall! Icon_minitimeFri Jun 02, 2017 2:31 am

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter: “Trump's decision on Paris accord has lefties everywhere shitting bricks. Now if they could just sh*t some rebar, we could build the wall!”
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Ann Coulter funny: Paris accord has lefties everywhere shitting bricks. Now if they could just shit some rebar, we could build the wall!

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