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 Victims demand justice 70 years after bloody Taiwan massacre

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Victims demand justice 70 years after bloody Taiwan massacre  Vide
PostSubject: Victims demand justice 70 years after bloody Taiwan massacre    Victims demand justice 70 years after bloody Taiwan massacre  Icon_minitimeSun Feb 26, 2017 8:45 pm

For Pan Hsin-hsing the sight and smell of lilies held a particular horror for many years -- the pungent flowers decorated the room where his executed father lay before the funeral.

He was just six years old when Pan Mu-chih, a doctor and local politician, was arrested, tortured and killed in a 1947 massacre that was the precursor to years of political purges in Taiwan, known as the "White Terror".

A last note from his father was scribbled on a cigarette pack given to him by a sympathetic jailer and smuggled out to the family.

"Don't be sad, I die for the residents of our city. I die with no regret," it read.

On Tuesday, Pan will speak at a national commemoration for the victims of the crackdown by troops under nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek, whose Kuomintang party governed Taiwan at the time.
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Victims demand justice 70 years after bloody Taiwan massacre

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