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  Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent

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 Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent Vide
PostSubject: Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent    Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent Icon_minitimeSat Feb 18, 2017 2:06 am

Juan Pablo Escobar Henao, son of notorious Medellín cartel drug kingpin, Pablo Escobar, now says his father “worked for the CIA.”
In a new book, “Pablo Escobar In Fraganti,” Escobar, who lives under the pseudonym, Juan Sebastián Marroquín, explains his “father worked for the CIA selling cocaine to finance the fight against Communism in Central America.”
“The drug business is very different than what we dreamed,” he continues. “What the CIA was doing was buying the controls to get the drug into their country and getting a wonderful deal.”
“He did not make the money alone,” Marroquín elaborated in an interview, “but with US agencies that allowed him access to this money. He had direct relations with the CIA.”
Notably, Marroquín added, “the person who sold the most drugs to the CIA was Pablo Escobar.”

 Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent Mugshot-of-Pablo-Escobar-from-1976-Medellin-Police-800x430
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Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent

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