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 'I can't breathe': Video captures moment man pepper sprayed while strapped to restraint chair

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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'I can't breathe': Video captures moment man pepper sprayed while strapped to restraint chair Vide
PostSubject: 'I can't breathe': Video captures moment man pepper sprayed while strapped to restraint chair   'I can't breathe': Video captures moment man pepper sprayed while strapped to restraint chair Icon_minitimeFri Feb 17, 2017 8:39 pm

The moment a black man screams that he can't breathe and appears to almost choke after he is sprayed with pepper spray while strapped to a chair in police custody has been captured in a distressing video.

'I can't breathe': Video captures moment man pepper sprayed while strapped to restraint chair Screen_Shot_2017-02-17_at_2.13.59_PM

Charles Wade was taken into custody after an alleged drink driving arrest in Dayton, Ohio, the Washington Post reported.

Wade, who has now launched legal action against the Montgomery County Sheriff's department, was taken to the same facility, the Montgomery County Jail, where a woman named Amber Swink had been pepper sprayed inside a seven-point harness in an earlier incident.
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'I can't breathe': Video captures moment man pepper sprayed while strapped to restraint chair

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