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 NZ firefighter allegedly threatened with arrest for fighting blaze on his own property

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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NZ firefighter allegedly threatened with arrest for fighting blaze on his own property Vide
PostSubject: NZ firefighter allegedly threatened with arrest for fighting blaze on his own property   NZ firefighter allegedly threatened with arrest for fighting blaze on his own property Icon_minitimeFri Feb 17, 2017 5:16 pm

Andy Nicholson says he was told he would be arrested if he didn't stop fighting the fire on his rural Early Valley Road property.

NZ firefighter allegedly threatened with arrest for fighting blaze on his own property 1487368992312

Nicholson is part of a local fire brigade that was fighting the fire on Monday night with a water tanker.

He went back to protect his own property, where there is now damage to his pasture and fences. Luckily his house and livestock made it through the fire unscathed.

But, he said, a policeman forced him to leave nevertheless, allegedly saying he would be arrested if he didn't comply with the evacuation order.

"This cop was an arrogant bully, and I wasn't the only one saying this," Nicholson said on Friday.

"He nearly got assaulted. If he wasn't wearing his uniform he would have had his teeth knocked out."

Nicholson said he and some of his neighbours have made a formal complaint about the officer.
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NZ firefighter allegedly threatened with arrest for fighting blaze on his own property

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