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 Kucinich Warns of “Deep State”, Defends Trump, Tells America to “Wake Up”

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Kucinich Warns of “Deep State”, Defends Trump, Tells America to “Wake Up” Vide
PostSubject: Kucinich Warns of “Deep State”, Defends Trump, Tells America to “Wake Up”   Kucinich Warns of “Deep State”, Defends Trump, Tells America to “Wake Up” Icon_minitimeFri Feb 17, 2017 4:17 am

Dennis Kucinich, Former U.S. Rep. and Democratic presidential candidate, defended Donald Trump on “Mornings with Maria” on Tuesday.
In regards to Michael Flynn’s resignation, Kucinich defended Trump and told America to “Wake Up”

Anti-Russia Game
In the interview, Kucinich blamed factions of the US intelligence community for wanting to end any positive relationship between Russia and the US, hoping for a return of the cold war.
Kucinich did not see this as an anti-Trump game, but rather an anti-Russia game” “It’s not just this administration. I want to remind the views and all those who are on the panel that in the closing months of the Obama administration, they put together a deal with Russia to create peace in Syria. A few days later, a military strike in Syria killed a hundred Syrian soldiers and that ended the agreement. What happened is inside the intelligence and the Pentagon there was a deliberate effort to sabotage an agreement the White House made.”
This is like “Deep State” said Kucinich.
My take: Anyone against war wanting to open ties with Russia has at least something on the ball.
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Kucinich Warns of “Deep State”, Defends Trump, Tells America to “Wake Up”

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