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 After CIA Micro-Coup, Trump Suddenly Wants Russia To Give Up Crimea, Thinks Obama Was ‘Too Soft’

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After CIA Micro-Coup, Trump Suddenly Wants Russia To Give Up Crimea, Thinks Obama Was ‘Too Soft’ Vide
PostSubject: After CIA Micro-Coup, Trump Suddenly Wants Russia To Give Up Crimea, Thinks Obama Was ‘Too Soft’   After CIA Micro-Coup, Trump Suddenly Wants Russia To Give Up Crimea, Thinks Obama Was ‘Too Soft’ Icon_minitimeThu Feb 16, 2017 3:09 am

Only a day after an apparent micro-coup conducted by elements within the CIA and U.S. intelligence apparatus, it appears that, if the CIA’s goal was to convince President Donald Trump that moves toward rapprochement with Russia would not be tolerated and that forces greater than Trump are in control of U.S. policy, that mission has been accomplished.
Despite a campaign of seemingly more rational foreign policy promises not to start World War Three, on the evening of February 14, mainstream headlines announced that Trump is now claiming that Crimea was “taken” by Russia and that Russia should give the region back to Ukraine.

After CIA Micro-Coup, Trump Suddenly Wants Russia To Give Up Crimea, Thinks Obama Was ‘Too Soft’ Trump-AP-1024x651-1-1024x651-1024x651-1-1024x651-2-1024x651
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After CIA Micro-Coup, Trump Suddenly Wants Russia To Give Up Crimea, Thinks Obama Was ‘Too Soft’

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