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 Report of mass sexual assault by refugees in Frankfurt was 'baseless', police say

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Report of mass sexual assault by refugees in Frankfurt was 'baseless', police say Vide
PostSubject: Report of mass sexual assault by refugees in Frankfurt was 'baseless', police say   Report of mass sexual assault by refugees in Frankfurt was 'baseless', police say Icon_minitimeWed Feb 15, 2017 9:40 pm

A widely-reported, inflammatory news story about a "rioting sex mob" of immigrants assaulting women on New Year's Eve in Frankfurt, Germany, has been exposed as "baseless" after investigation by police.

Report of mass sexual assault by refugees in Frankfurt was 'baseless', police say 1487190531169

In a humiliating backdown, the German newspaper Bild, which originally reported the claims, has apologised for what it said was a "false report", which was based on the now disputed claims of a pub owner and some of their staff.
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Report of mass sexual assault by refugees in Frankfurt was 'baseless', police say

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