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 Immoral Saudi Lobbyists Recruiting Veterans to Kill 9/11 Lawsuit

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Immoral Saudi Lobbyists Recruiting Veterans to Kill 9/11 Lawsuit Vide
PostSubject: Immoral Saudi Lobbyists Recruiting Veterans to Kill 9/11 Lawsuit   Immoral Saudi Lobbyists Recruiting Veterans to Kill 9/11 Lawsuit Icon_minitimeSun Feb 12, 2017 3:23 am

Using misinformation and lots of cash, Saudi Arabia is luring well-meaning U.S. military veterans into its campaign to eviscerate a recently-passed law allowing 9/11 families to sue the monarchy for its alleged role in facilitating the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.

Immoral Saudi Lobbyists Recruiting Veterans to Kill 9/11 Lawsuit Jasta-gun-show-photo

It’s a brazen effort, considering 9/11 inspired so many veterans to enter military service. However, working through hired American proxies who don’t draw attention to their Saudi sponsorship, the kingdom is finding success by taking advantage of veterans’ patriotic instincts.
Specifically, lobbyists are telling veterans that, if other countries reciprocate by passing laws like the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), military service members and veterans will be sued in foreign courts.
Veterans who do their own research will discover an essential fact Saudi Arabia doesn’t want them to know: JASTA only allows U.S. citizens to sue foreign governments for supporting terrorism—not individuals.
Saudi lobbyists also falsely claim that JASTA is a major departure from the previous U.S. approach to sovereign immunity, when in fact it is a narrow adjustment to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, which already allowed Americans to sue foreign state sponsors of terror.
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Immoral Saudi Lobbyists Recruiting Veterans to Kill 9/11 Lawsuit

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