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 Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states Vide
PostSubject: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states   Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states Icon_minitimeSat Feb 11, 2017 4:44 pm

U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 25 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

Officials said the raids targeted known criminals, but they also netted some immigrants without criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration. Last month, Trump substantially broadened the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records.
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Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states Vide
PostSubject: Re: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states   Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states Icon_minitimeSat Feb 11, 2017 7:47 pm

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states ?
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Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

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