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 Ireland asks EU for 'invisible' post-Brexit UK border

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Ireland asks EU for 'invisible' post-Brexit UK border Vide
PostSubject: Ireland asks EU for 'invisible' post-Brexit UK border   Ireland asks EU for 'invisible' post-Brexit UK border Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2017 7:42 pm

Ireland asked EU negotiators on Thursday to help it keep the border across the island "invisible" after Brussels reaches a Brexit deal with London that will take the British province of Northern Ireland out of the European Union.

Ireland asks EU for 'invisible' post-Brexit UK border

Irish Foreign Minister Charlie Flanagan said after a meeting which the EU's chief negotiator Michel Barnier described as "positive and constructive" that Dublin believed EU officials and leaders of other member states had a "clear understanding" of the "priorities and anxieties" of people in Ireland.

High on the list is the preservation of the 1998 peace deal in Northern Ireland and continuing to let people and goods pass uninterrupted across a frontier on the island that will become Britain's only land border with the bloc it is leaving.

"We are anxious to maintain that invisibility of the border," Flanagan told reporters.

Flanagan also said he believed British Prime Minister Theresa May's commitment to leaving the EU single market would probably also mean leaving the customs union.

The European Parliament's Brexit point man, Guy Verhofstadt, has accepted an Irish invitation to visit the border, Flanagan added.
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Ireland asks EU for 'invisible' post-Brexit UK border

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