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 Paris rioters burn cars as anti-poLice protests spread

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Paris rioters burn cars as anti-poLice protests spread  Vide
PostSubject: Paris rioters burn cars as anti-poLice protests spread    Paris rioters burn cars as anti-poLice protests spread  Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2017 8:22 pm

Rioters burnt dozens of cars and set fire to a nursery school in the poor northern suburbs of Paris in further unrest sparked by the arrest of a young black man by officers who have been charged with beating and raping him.

Paris rioters burn cars as anti-poLice protests spread  1486599037429

Police arrested 17 people in the disturbances that have affected several different areas in the same suburbs where riots by disgruntled youths of immigrant origin began in 2005 and spread across the country.
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Paris rioters burn cars as anti-poLice protests spread

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