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 WATCH: Cop Threatening Fake Charges Against Innocent Man is Everything That's Wrong with poLICE Today

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WATCH: Cop Threatening Fake Charges Against Innocent Man is Everything That's Wrong with poLICE Today Vide
PostSubject: WATCH: Cop Threatening Fake Charges Against Innocent Man is Everything That's Wrong with poLICE Today   WATCH: Cop Threatening Fake Charges Against Innocent Man is Everything That's Wrong with poLICE Today Icon_minitimeSat Feb 04, 2017 1:33 am

San Bernardino, CA — The next time someone asks you why people don’t trust police, show them this video of a San Bernardino Sheriff’s deputy threatening to make up charges against an innocent man — for no reason.
Duncan Hicks went to the San Bernardino Sheriff’s station last month to file a report but was met with obstinate bureaucracy and eventually threats.
Hicks was attempting to file a report with the department and had done so on multiple occasions without incident. Hicks told CBS Los Angeles this was his third time there and he also called once to file a few custody disputes with his child’s mother. But this time, he says, the deputy refused to write his report down and then took it a step further.
Hicks was politely trying to explain to the deputy that his report was not stating the problem when the cop lost it.
“This is not explaining the incident, sir,” said Hicks.
“K, Duncan. You know what man? I’m about getting tired of you and you’re about to go to jail just so you know,” barks the deputy, threatening an entirely innocent man.
“What am I going to jail for?” asked Hicks.


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WATCH: Cop Threatening Fake Charges Against Innocent Man is Everything That's Wrong with poLICE Today

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