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 Mattis: US will defend Japanese islands claimed by China

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Mattis: US will defend Japanese islands claimed by China Vide
PostSubject: Mattis: US will defend Japanese islands claimed by China   Mattis: US will defend Japanese islands claimed by China Icon_minitimeFri Feb 03, 2017 11:21 pm

US Defense Secretary James Mattis on Saturday reaffirmed Washington's commitment to defending Japan, including a group of disputed islands which have been claimed by China.
"I made clear that our long-standing policy on the Senkaku Islands stands -- the US will continue to recognize Japanese administration of the islands and as such Article 5 of the US-Japan Security Treaty applies," Mattis said in a press conference with Japanese Defense Minister Tomomi Inada.
Article 5 of that treaty says the US will defend territories under Japanese administration, which would include the Senkakus, an uninhabited group of islands in the East China Sea called the Diaoyus by China.
Tensions have flashed numerous times in recent years over the islands, including face-offs between Japanese and Chinese air and naval forces that have been termed dangerous by both sides.

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Mattis: US will defend Japanese islands claimed by China

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