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 ‘God, please help me’: Inmate claims jailers raped her, refused medicine and left her ‘catatonic’

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‘God, please help me’: Inmate claims jailers raped her, refused medicine and left her ‘catatonic’ Vide
PostSubject: ‘God, please help me’: Inmate claims jailers raped her, refused medicine and left her ‘catatonic’   ‘God, please help me’: Inmate claims jailers raped her, refused medicine and left her ‘catatonic’ Icon_minitimeThu Feb 02, 2017 1:24 am

The inmate was so desperate for help that she attempted to write the words on her jail cell wall, in her own blood: “God, please help me.”

On her final day in the jail, she was found naked in her cell, crying and mumbling, asking for her mother to hold her, according to a lawsuit she brought Friday. The inmate, a 38-year-old Cincinnati woman, claims that during her 11 days in the Warren County Jail, at least two corrections officers raped her. On one occasion, they assaulted her with so much force that they “shattered” her shoulder bones.

In the lawsuit filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Cincinnati, the woman sued two corrections officers — one by name, one as a John Doe — along with seven nurses, including the jail’s health services administrator.

The woman was held at the jail in May 2013, after turning herself in on a four-year-old warrant for deception to obtain drugs. The lawsuit alleges the jail’s nurses refused to give the woman her prescribed medicine for her epilepsy, causing her to experience seizures and withdrawal, leaving her debilitated in her jail cell. Incapacitated and unable to defend herself, her jailers allegedly Tased her, took away her clothing, turned off her running water and forced her to drink out of the toilet.

“She was left naked, covered in her blood and feces,” the lawsuit states.
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‘God, please help me’: Inmate claims jailers raped her, refused medicine and left her ‘catatonic’

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