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 ADL Attacks President Trump for Remembering ALL Victims of the Holocaust

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ADL Attacks President Trump for Remembering ALL Victims of the Holocaust Vide
PostSubject: ADL Attacks President Trump for Remembering ALL Victims of the Holocaust   ADL Attacks President Trump for Remembering ALL Victims of the Holocaust Icon_minitimeSun Jan 29, 2017 4:01 am

Anti-Defamation League Chief Jonathan Greenblatt attacked Donald Trump's statement Friday on Holocaust Memorial Day because he honored all "innocent people" who suffered and died.

ADL Attacks President Trump for Remembering ALL Victims of the Holocaust Adl-attacks-trump-holocaust

Greenblatt wrote on twitter: "@WhiteHouse statement on #HolocaustMemorialDay, misses that it was six million Jews who perished, not just 'innocent people.' Puzzling and troubling @WhiteHouse #HolocaustMemorialDay [statement] has no mention of Jews. GOP and Dem. presidents have done so in the past."
Quote :
1/2 @WhiteHouse statement on #HolocaustMemorialDay, misses that it was six million Jews who perished, not just 'innocent people'
— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) January 27, 2017
Quote :
2/2 Puzzling and troubling @WhiteHouse #HolocaustMemorialDay stmt has no mention of Jews. GOP and Dem. presidents have done so in the past.
— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) January 27, 2017

The ADL under Greenblatt relentlessly attacked Trump during the presidential race, including by saying his use of the term "America first" is antisemitic.

The ADL is now relentlessly attacking Trump for not accepting refugees:
Quote :
.@ADL_National will relentlessly fight this policy in the weeks and months to come. #RefugeesWelcome
— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) January 26, 2017
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Read our full statement on President Trump's executive order on immigration and refugees here: #RefugeesWelcome
— ADL (@ADL_National) January 26, 2017
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We remember as we stand with refugees and immigrants and all the family at @ADL_National #noplaceforhate
— ADL St. Louis (@ADLStLouis) January 27, 2017
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We are @ADL_National and we stand with refugees and immigrants. #RefugeesWelcome #SolidaritySelfie
— ADL (@ADL_National) January 26, 2017

Greenblatt said in November he would be "proud" to "register as Muslim" if Trump were ever to create a Muslim database.

While Greenblatt feels Muslims and Jews are interchangeable when it comes to registering in Trump's theoretical database, the same universal solidarity evidently doesn't transfer over when it comes to remembering victims of the holocaust.

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ADL Attacks President Trump for Remembering ALL Victims of the Holocaust

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