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 Government's legacy: poLICE defuse massive World War II bomb in German city

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Government's legacy: poLICE defuse massive World War II bomb in German city Vide
PostSubject: Government's legacy: poLICE defuse massive World War II bomb in German city   Government's legacy: poLICE defuse massive World War II bomb in German city Icon_minitimeSun Dec 25, 2016 7:24 pm

FRANKFURT, Germany –  Explosives experts on Sunday defused a large World War II aerial bomb in the southern German city of Augsburg — clearing the way for thousands of evacuated residents to return to their Christmas celebrations at home.

Government's legacy: poLICE defuse massive World War II bomb in German city 1482703112497
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Government's legacy: poLICE defuse massive World War II bomb in German city

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