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 Two Entire poLICE Depts Shut Down During FBI Raids Over Massive DEA Drug Ring Conspiracy

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Two Entire poLICE Depts Shut Down During FBI Raids Over Massive DEA Drug Ring Conspiracy Vide
PostSubject: Two Entire poLICE Depts Shut Down During FBI Raids Over Massive DEA Drug Ring Conspiracy   Two Entire poLICE Depts Shut Down During FBI Raids Over Massive DEA Drug Ring Conspiracy Icon_minitimeSun Dec 18, 2016 4:07 am

Tangipahoa Parish, LA — A massive raid was carried out by the FBI on Thursday of  Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office and the Hammond Police Department. The raids were part of a year-long investigation into a U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency task force accused of a massive conspiracy to rob drug dealers and profit from selling the stolen narcotics.

Damn Police
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Two Entire poLICE Depts Shut Down During FBI Raids Over Massive DEA Drug Ring Conspiracy

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