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 Neat: Prosecutors Plan to Retry Former University of Cincinnati Officer in Death of Unarmed Black Man

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Neat: Prosecutors Plan to Retry Former University of Cincinnati Officer in Death of Unarmed Black Man Vide
PostSubject: Neat: Prosecutors Plan to Retry Former University of Cincinnati Officer in Death of Unarmed Black Man   Neat: Prosecutors Plan to Retry Former University of Cincinnati Officer in Death of Unarmed Black Man Icon_minitimeTue Nov 22, 2016 9:15 pm

Prosecutors are hoping to retry former University of Cincinnati police officer Ray Tensing in the fatal shooting of Sam DuBose, an unarmed black man.

Neat: Prosecutors Plan to Retry Former University of Cincinnati Officer in Death of Unarmed Black Man AP-ray-tensing-01-as-161122_12x5_1600

Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters told reporters today his team will request that a second trial be held in a different Ohio county, pointing to Cleveland or Columbus as potential locations.

He said he came to the decision to retry Tensing, who is white, after reviewing the trial transcript, speaking with some of the jurors and consulting with his staff.

"My decision is based on the likelihood of success in trial, and that's it," Deters said. "If I thought we couldn't win this case, we would not retry this case."

The parties are scheduled to appear before Judge Megan Shanahan on Nov. 28 in the Hamilton County courthouse.
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