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 Statist idiots: How Zimbabwe made the Zimbabwean flag illegal

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Statist idiots: How Zimbabwe made the Zimbabwean flag illegal Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: How Zimbabwe made the Zimbabwean flag illegal   Statist idiots: How Zimbabwe made the Zimbabwean flag illegal Icon_minitimeSat Oct 15, 2016 7:56 pm

Trevor Saruwaka, a member of the Zimbabwean parliament, got some good news this week: A court has just cleared him of "gathering with intent to promote public violence, a breach of the peace, or bigotry." The serious-sounding charges stemmed from his participation in a September demonstration that was violently broken up by the government.

Statist idiots: How Zimbabwe made the Zimbabwean flag illegal 1476499800635

Just last week, Saruwaka was courting an entirely different sort of controversy, when security guards barred him from entering the parliament building to attend the body's opening session. The cited reason will probably come across as absurd to anyone living outside our country: The lawmaker was wearing a jacket in the green, gold, red and black colours of the national flag. "I am shocked because I didn't know it's a criminal offence to be patriotic," Mr Saruwaka said.
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Statist idiots: How Zimbabwe made the Zimbabwean flag illegal

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