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 Statist idiots: A New Navy Combat Ship Gets a Crack in Its Hull

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Statist idiots: A New Navy Combat Ship Gets a Crack in Its Hull Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: A New Navy Combat Ship Gets a Crack in Its Hull   Statist idiots: A New Navy Combat Ship Gets a Crack in Its Hull Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2016 10:46 pm

The Navy’s state-of-the-art littoral combat ships continued their run of bad luck this week when the USS Montgomery collided with a tugboat on its way out of the harbor in Mayport, Florida, ahead of the advancing Hurricane Matthew. The Montgomery had been forced into port by a pair of mechanical failures just a few weeks ago.

Statist idiots: A New Navy Combat Ship Gets a Crack in Its Hull 10062016_Littoral_Montgomery_original

The collision left a crack in the hull of the ship, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build and costs nearly $80 million a year to operate. According to Navy Times, the crew was able to plug the hole --- about three feet above the waterline along a welded seam -- and won’t immediately need to return to port the fix the problem.
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Statist idiots: A New Navy Combat Ship Gets a Crack in Its Hull

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