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 Statist idiot: New Jersey train was going twice the speed limit before it crashed

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Statist idiot: New Jersey train was going twice the speed limit before it crashed  Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiot: New Jersey train was going twice the speed limit before it crashed    Statist idiot: New Jersey train was going twice the speed limit before it crashed  Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2016 10:41 pm

A New Jersey Transit commuter train sped up and was going twice the 10 mph speed limit just before it crashed into Hoboken's terminal last week, killing a woman on the platform and injuring more than 100 people, federal investigators said Thursday.

Statist idiot: New Jersey train was going twice the speed limit before it crashed  2ST4RI
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Statist idiot: New Jersey train was going twice the speed limit before it crashed

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