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 Idiot: Jamie Foxx Meets with Socialist President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiot: Jamie Foxx Meets with Socialist President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela Vide
PostSubject: Idiot: Jamie Foxx Meets with Socialist President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela   Idiot: Jamie Foxx Meets with Socialist President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2016 7:13 pm

Actor Jamie Foxx has met with President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela.

Idiot: Jamie Foxx Meets with Socialist President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela FoxxMaduro-640x480

Foxx, who won the Oscar Award for “Ray” in 2004, visited Maduro in the presidential palace in Caracas. State media said Foxx was there to support the country’s socialist revolution and attend the signing of an agreement between Venezuela and its allies for the construction of houses for the poor.

Foxx posed for photos with the deeply-unpopular president of the economically embattled South American country.

In a national address Tuesday, Maduro praised Foxx’s work. Foxx hasn’t commented publicly on what motivated his visit.

Several U.S. celebrities have visited Venezuela to support the country’s socialist revolution over the years, including actors Sean Penn and Danny Glover.
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Idiot: Jamie Foxx Meets with Socialist President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela

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