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 Statist idiots: Texas county runs out of marriage licenses; If they ran the Sahara desert, it would run out of sand

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Statist idiots: Texas county runs out of marriage licenses; If they ran the Sahara desert, it would run out of sand Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: Texas county runs out of marriage licenses; If they ran the Sahara desert, it would run out of sand   Statist idiots: Texas county runs out of marriage licenses; If they ran the Sahara desert, it would run out of sand Icon_minitimeFri Sep 16, 2016 1:29 am

GEORGETOWN, Texas (AP) - People wanting to get married in one Central Texas county might have to delay their plans just a bit.

The Austin American-Statesman reports ( ) the Williamson County clerk’s office ran out of marriage licenses Aug. 26 and won’t get more until Sept. 22.

Connie Watson, a county spokeswoman, says the problem happened after the clerk’s office thought it had ordered the special forms from its vendor, but the vendor said it never received the order.

Watson says couples can still get a marriage license from any other Texas county.

The county on Thursday didn’t immediately know how many people have been turned away since the clerk’s office ran out of the licenses.

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Statist idiots: Texas county runs out of marriage licenses; If they ran the Sahara desert, it would run out of sand

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